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ARiM - Artist Residency in Motherhood #1


How can I continue my art practice as a mother?

From 1 April to 30 June 2018
Updated every two weeks

ARiM is founded by Lenka Clayton. It is a self-directed, open-source Artist in Residency to empower and inspire artists who are also mothers. An Artist Residency in Motherhood is the reframing of parenthood as a valuable site for art practice, rather than an obstruction to be overcome. The residency will take place in everyday life, in and around home.

For the next 3 months I will undergo this self-imposed artist residency in which I explore the fragmented focus, nap-length studio time and limited movement / resources and allow it to shape the direction of my work. These conditions are just about the opposite of the conditions I created for myself during my study at the art academy a few years ago.

After the birth of my daughter Lieve on August 5, 2016 I tried to continue my art practice several times. I found it hard to maintain my art practice in between taking care of Lieve, making money and creating my ideal art studio Atlas Initiatief (a self-sustainable ship to travel around the world, what will also function asĀ an AiR for artists and scientists). So, I want to use the structure of this residency to set up an art practice within the conditions of today.

Follow my process during the ARiM program at

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