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The travels of Marta Polo: Red hairy-legs ants

Artist in Residence Donglai Meng schreef tijdens haar residency travel notes ‘The travels of Martha Polo. Tijdens haar expositie publiceren we dagelijks een van haar notities.   

If you come out of the south gate of Breda railway station and walk down a paved walkway that shines brilliantly even on a grey Dutch winter’s day­, those humble smooth tiles unreservedly reflect the sun’s rays from above. If you walk towards the sun, you have to squint your eyes or lower your head. Interestingly, when you lower your head, you can see a row of red hairy-legs ants crawling orderly on the ground. Compared to ordinary ants, they appear to be quite huge, their six powerful hairy legs swing like rolling fires. These little red things will catch your attention completely, and an intense interest drives you to follow them. Soon the road is at its end, you look up, and face the city park of Breda: Valkenberg.


Stationslaan 111, Breda, Nederland

Donglai Meng | Midday Dreaming

25 januari - 2 februari 2020
donderdag - zondag
13:00 - 17:00 uur

Deze expositie is het resultaat van de werkperiode die Donglai had van 2 december 2019 - 25 januari 2020

AIR Donglai Meng
Donglai Meng (Marta) works at Artist in Residence at Witte Rook.  Donglai was born in Dalian, China and currently lives and works...
The travels of Marta Polo: Hairy-legs and resident mission
Artist in Residence Donglai Meng schreef tijdens haar residency travel notes 'The travels of Martha Polo. Tijdens haar expositie ...
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The travels of Marta Polo: Witte Rook
Witte Rook was located in a small Dutch building five minutes from the railway station. In the courtyard were two large trees, one...
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