ZINE - If Time Allows

Ying Liu and Fenna Koot created a digital zine based on their working period at Witte Rook in April 2021.

The digital zine “If Time Allows” is considered as a part of our presentation plan for the residency, as we believe it contains more inner experiences and life details from us while we were “being” there, in the residency place, rather than only the visual outcome exhibited for the physical presentation. After documenting, collecting, scanning and writing, we turned those life materials into a digital file in a form of a simple zine that serves as an additional compensation for the small opening we had in spring.


Stationslaan 111, Breda, Netherlands

Witte Rook connects artists by offering them a joint work period. For Ying Liu and Fenna Koot this will be from monday 5th  to sunday 26th of April 2021. Each artist works for themselves in a separate room, but there is an opportunity to discuss their artistic practice with each other and possibly start a collaboration.

AIR Ying Liu
Ying Liu practices motional meditation as a way to unintentionally ‘produce’ works of art. At Witte Rook she spent  time each...
AIR Fenna Koot
Fenna Koot houdt zich als kunstenaar op verschillende manieren bezig met het begrip ‘ruimte’. Voor haar biedt de residentieper...
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